Delicious Bookmarks for May 11th through May 18th

These are my links for May 11th through May 18th: Lightspark, an innovative FLOSS Flash player, reaches Beta Status | Technology Temple – FLOSS FLash player with a JIT built on LLVM. Definitely one to keep an eye on. Particularly fond of the developers for prpviding features above and beyond what Adobe's Flash provides (an… Continue reading Delicious Bookmarks for May 11th through May 18th

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Mojo Hacking

Recently K had a software update on her Palm Pre, following this we decided to checkout the state of the app store. The conversation was brief: “Is there a tube map yet?” “Nope, I’m afraid not. Still nothing.” “Can’t you write me one? You like programming ….” “Well, yes. I do. I can …” Irrefutable… Continue reading Mojo Hacking